i am so behind on my blogging. i have been meaning to update with posts from the fall and christmas. eventually i will put them on here, but in the meantime i am just going to go on with what's going on now and there will be "flashbacks" every now and then.
today is one of those days i think i will remember when my kids are older. there is nothing particularly special about today, but it is the type of day that will become extinct in our house too soon with the coming of kindergarten next year. i woke up late, made the kids pancakes and we all chatted around the kitchen table about the previous evening. afterwards, the kids got dressed and ella requested to watch "the tigger movie". i had nothing else planned so on went the bouncing-est movie ever. the girls and i all got a bit teary-eyed at the end for different reasons. corinne was sad about the other tiggers that tigger never found, ella was just emotionally upset at the end because it is a somewhat sad sounding song and i was feeling the time flowing away too quickly for these years of pre-k and toddlerhood. after lunch bohdan went down for a nap and the girls went to work on a picnic in the backyard.
here they are praying for their food. i let the girls have a honey cookie and a yogurt stick to go along with their "tea" (which was really just water). they brought out plastic food for their guests. as they were praying i overheard ella say, "thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross."
pooh, tigger and barbie were invited to the lavish affair:)
next up they found pet snails. not my favorite thing, but the girls love them. they named them splashy and slimy.
here they are petting them. (ick)
after coming indoors they asked if they could open this 1995 christmas barbie. my aunt gave it to ella on her first christmas. every now and then ella asks if they can play with it and finally i said yes. i realized that it's a toy and they should enjoy it. it's days like these i wish i could keep this time forever. our little devotional this morning was about change and that God uses change for good. i'm not sure i'm ready for change, but it sure is coming. i'm thankful for the one who holds us close and thankful for this time right now...