today was day one of two weeks without ted. he left early this morning for europe (yes, for business, of course!) so, the kids and i have to get along without him. days are fine, but evenings really take their toll on all of us. things were going great. we had dinner, got pj's on, brushed teeth, story time, a little goofing off...but then ella wanted to go potty and it all went downhill from there. i was seconds away from pulling my hair out, corinne was running wild, and ella was pleading, whimpering, whining and generally throwing a fit in the bathroom. when all was done i finally made it into bohdan's room to feed him and put him down for the night. this is what i found. he had pooped all over himself and was blissfully sleeping while sucking his thumb. he is amazing. i love you, little bohdan bear!!
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5 months ago