Sunday, May 30, 2010

the letter "b"

moving right along through the alphabet, ella learned about the letter "b" this week. she learned that "b" is for butterflies and bubbles. she and corinne popped bubbles in the bathtub and took a bubble bath, she decorated a foam butterfly with pieces of tissue paper (not the best craft! she quickly got bored with it), and we made bubbles with saran wrap, construction paper and glitter (or pixie dust as ella described it to ted).
our bible lesson was about buns. we talked about the empty tomb and made buns with marshmallows inside. the marshmallows melted leaving hollow buns covered in cinnamon and sugar. ella loved making these, although i think her favorite part was sneaking spoonfuls of cinnamon and sugar.

sleepy head

the other day we had a late start so i decided to let the girls stay up a little later before naptime. apparently that wasn't a good idea to corinne. she climbed into her chair and pulled the blanket over her head. she peeked out from the covers when i went to get the camera.

Friday, May 21, 2010

hold me closer, tiny dancer

there has been an new interest in ballerinas lately at our house. the girls love putting on their tutus and dancing around or watching ballerinas dance on you tube.
just thought i'd post a few twirls.

ella's preschool: week one

finally ella and i started her little "preschool" lessons. we started this week with the letter "A". she started off the week coloring an upper and lower-case "a" worksheet. and we talked about things that start with the letter a, including apples and airplanes.

we had a bible lesson one day where ella learned about noah's ark. we built an ark out of a brown paper bag and popsicle sticks. she filled the inside with animal stickers. i think this was her favorite lesson.
for "math" we learned about the number one and ella had more fun with glue. she loves using glue. here she got to paint it onto the paper since she was glueing many pieces of construction paper on.
here's my big 3 year-old proudly showing off her schoolwork. we both had fun doing this!